Thursday, January 27, 2011

Leslie and the Shoelace Bra

Some of you may have noticed that the Shoelace Belt has become quite the fad these days.  The origin of this accessory is undoubtedly from skateboarders, but different reasons have been proffered (see the Urban Dictionary Entry on the Shoelace Belt).  My take is that of entry #6 (so you have a replacement lace when yours inevitably breaks).  So what to do when an original act starts to get out of context?  Just go on ahead and take it waaaay out of context.  Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you, the Shoelace Bra.

This is my friend Leslie, who is a totally gorgeous skateboarder I know.  She was so accommodating to model this little number that I made, and she knocked me out at the photo shoot. (location: our indoor ramp in a warehouse in Baltimore).

FYI: the construction is woven colored shoelaces, sewed together for structure and lined with acetate lining.  I love the little corset situation in front with the black shoelace, and how using black for the back straps resulted in this awesome checkerboard pattern.

Behind Leslie is another sewing project done by my husband's mother:  it's quilt of all his old Misfits and Danzig T-shirts.  Quite the hit with the skater punks.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I just added this to my google reader and can't wait for the next one. Great pics by the way!
